Along with "newly addressing" the subject of the "moronic duo" in 1996, 1997, and 1998 below as part of my July 2013 Project, part of my July 2013 Project is to publish webpages on my July 2000 OCC McKinney List and my TTS 2001 Titles I and II. I have begun to do so below, and, on the webpages you are directed to below in links to more information on the TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney List and to TTS 2001 Titles I and II. However, given events in July 2013, during July of 2013 I will cut back a little on the 2000 OCC List work and the TTS 2001 Titles I and II work. Moreover, I have added a reference page from TTS Title 10 which I had not otherwise intended on in my July 2013 work. Specifically, I have added a webpage devoted to my TTS Title X Series 50 Part 45, which I wrote in June of 2002, a Motion submitted in East Hampton Village Justice Court, in the matter of a speeding ticket I received in East Hampton Village October 2001 on Dunemere Road driving from Wiborg Beach to the Huntting Inn for the Hamptons International Film Festival. The Motion I filed June 2002 in East Hampon Justice Court is a 9 page 'Tolling Motion'. Today during July 2013 I am documenting my 2002 Tolling Motion as part of my July 2013 Project because I found out just after July 4th weekend that a law firm, Zwicker and Associates PC, has filed in New York State Supreme Court, Suffolk County commencing an action on behalf of American Express for an account which American Express commenced an action in Manhattan in February 2011 using the law firm Jaffe and Asher, which is still being litigated. I need to file my 2002 East Hampton Tolling motion in both Suffolk and Manhattan in my answer to the Suffolk American Express suit by August 10th or risk a default judgement on what I actually understand to be a frivolous suit given the active case in New York County Supreme Court. As I am working on the Tolling Motion file it is introduced here on my July 2013 webpage along with TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney List and my TTS 2001 Titles I and II.
It is my habit to use certain holidays, anniversaries, seasons to move projects forward or write notes about subject matter which I hold dear to my heart or simply need to move forward. Such is the case with July, and July 4th (and sometimes Labor Day too, or my birthday, or similar!).
Here, for example, I compiled this vintage handwritten list during July, 2000. More discussion on my TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney List can be reviewed by clicking here to my TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney List. Below are a few remarks on my July 2000 list, followed by the related materialsI am compiling in July 2013.
This image is of my original handwritten TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney List. The simple fact is that during July 2000 it was easier to generate a handwritten list which could be filed in Manhattan to answer in court in front of a judge to answer the violation of sleeping on Manhattan Pier 34 or camping in Central Park than to type it on a computer and print it out. So I used the handwritten one first, then generated the typewritten one later that month. Here is a link to my webpage which describes in greater detail my July 2000 filing.
By July 2000, I had already been without domicile for over 400 nights, and had already been heard in Manhattan Criminal Court for camping in Central Park during Hurricane Floyd and several other nights on Pier 34 by Canal Street. As displayed in this link, I won each and every case.
Also, a full year before July 2000, on April 5th, 1999, in Manhattan Criminal Court the Citibank Felony Grand Larceny Allegations made against me were completely dismissed when my docket was called in front of Judge Ellen Coin in Manhattan Criminal Court. On that day April 5th 1999 I filed materials with New York State Supreme Court following up on my Labor Day 1998 Letter to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the October 5th 1998 Citigroup Claim materials, and file the same with the Federal Reserve, OCC, Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and other relevant regulatory agencies. The April 1999 regulatory filings were written also as follow up to October 1998 regulatory filings, which can be viewed by clicking this link.
Of significance, items I-VII above on the TTS July 2000 List regarding American Express, Citibank, Mastercard, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on the July 2000 list are the foundation for my writings during law school in 2008 on Section 106 of the Bankholding Company of 1970 (otherwise referred to as Bank Anti-tying legislation), the Durbin Amendment to the Dodd Frank Act, and my Mock Bank Holding Company Application to the Federal Reserve to Become a Bank Holding Company enganged in non-Banking Activity, specifically, data processing of non-financial data)(click on the highlighted legislation for links to webpages which carry my circa 2008 law school writing on the subject matter) . Note that these seven items precede the date 12/6/1996, the date I was arrested on an allegation of felony grand larceny on a statement by Citibank (click for a description and documentation of the debacle which ensued ). Please note that the subject matter of these seven line items of my July 2000 List were very certainly of great interest to me during 1995 and 1996. In one regard, there were certain problems in the financial marketplace and data processing marketplace which I had isolated, and, in part, my business plan for TTS Industries was formulated to address and solve such problems as a business in the era which directly preceded the dot com boom and as the Internet itself was in its infancy and gaining traction. ,Such items on the July 2000 OCC McKinney List continued to be of great interest to me following my arrest on charges of felony grand larceny during December 1996.
To be more specific, at the end of 1996 and beginning of 1997, I had discussion of such related materials with an attorney, Steven K. Frankel, in contemplation of my defense against the grand larceny charges I needed to defend myself against. It was very important to me that my defense on the charges be handled in a mnner which would allow me to pursue further the subject matter later itemized on the July 2000 List. The subject matter was hardly appropriately addressed during 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and so on. Yes, I developed additional related filings during those years- but my additional formal writing is dated 2008, materials written during law school on Durbin, Tying, and BHC Permissible Activities. As noted above, I was able to spend a little time on the subject matter, in my writings while I attended NYU Stern for my MBA and New York Law School for my law degree: on Dodd Frank, Bank Holding Company Permissible Activities legislation, Bank Holding Company Anti-Tying Legislation, my trademark applications, my patent application, and in general on my website
PRESENTLY, THIS JULY 2013 I AM COMPILING ANOTHER SET OF RELATED MATERIALS on the roles during 1996, 1997, and 1998 of a certain "moronic duo"- a certain Manhattan lawyer and a certain Manhattan psychiatrist in the debacle otherwise here described.
Presently, this July 2013, I have devoted perhaps 15 or 25 hours to document some important facets of the legal debacle which ensued following the perjurious statement by Citibank which caused my arrest- and charges brought by the Manhattan District Attorney during the first week of December 1996 as Manhattan Criminal Court Docket # 96NO96424, 12/6/1996 - 4/5/1999. Specifically, presently in July 2013 I have taken several hours to document (I have not yet completed the task, but, in the 15 to 25 hours will have made, here, at least a dent in properly addressing the subject matter) the role of an attorney and a psychiatrist in the 1997 and 1998 defense to the allegation had significant legal ramifications at the New York State level for several years in Manhattan Criminal Court Docket # # 96NO96424, 12/6/1996 - 4/5/1999 and at the US Federal level for several years at the Social Security Administration. That is, the moronic, unauthorized, fraudulent actions by the attorney and the psychiatrist caused legal ramifications for me, Dan Rosenblum, at the State and Federal level which legal travails I Dan Rosenblum necessarily needed to contend with directly for several years given their fraud and need to contend with given the status quo of the State and Federal record and my desires to advance my career.
Unfortunately for me, both the psychiatrist and the attorney were class-A morons. If you are looking for the definition of 'moron', just do a study on this psychiatrist and this attorney- the 'moronic duo'. (the 'launch webpage' to materials I am working on regarding the 'moronic duo' is at .On that page, there is discussion and links to three pages I am working on with regards to the moronic duo of Steve Frankel and Frank Miller- you have to scroll down a bit on the July 2013 page to get to the links to the pages on the moronic duo)
In any event, while my work on the moronic duo subject matter remains incomplete and at some point deserves to be in the appropriate State and Federal venues, I have had the opportunity this july 2013 to document a portion of this matter in the appropriate format to release it on the web and in social media.It is subject matter which I cannot ignore insofar as my present day finances are concerned, or insofar as my present day 2013 career progresses, or insofar as any future application to the New York State Bar is concerned. Addressing the subject matter is difficult, and proper documentation requires attentive work with specific attention to the subject matter. Thus, this July 2013 work on the subject moves me in the right direction when and if I shall present this subject matter in the appropriate Federal and State venues as these events and occurrences which have effected the appropriate progress of my career, finances, and, in addition the appropriate development of the research and development of my TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney related materials, including the TTS product.
Thus, I am currently editng three pages which remark on the moronic Frankel/Milller duo as they pertain to Manhattan Criminal Court Docket # # 96NO96424, 12/6/1996 - 4/5/1999, and as their actions in that matter effected my interaction with the Manhattan Criminal Court, the Social Security Administration, and related ramifications related thereto. The simple fact is that the attorney and psychiatrist pulled a ruse to put forth an unauthorized, untrue defense before New York State Court. Upon deliberation, its probably likely that the practice of attorneys and psychologists teaming up to attempt to fraudulently influence legal proceedings occurs regularly. These two morons were quite savvy in their actions, each most certainly were well practiced in their field of expertise. But their combined actions effecting my person and causing legal ramifications were illicit, fraudulent, and corrupt. Given their actions, I was not only disallowed the opportunity to defend myself against an allegation of felony grand larceny as I believed and understood my will and my actions and how I would describe and defend my actions to the State of New York, which is a serious matter.
The legal debacle originated as a result of the combination of negligence by a Citibank branch in processing data associated with my bank account, and the Citibank branch manager committing perjury to cover such negligence; such false statement by the Citibank branch operations manager caused my arrest by NYPD and Felony charges brought by the Manhattan District Attorney.
I was determined to use certain subject matter in my defense which essentially pointed the finger at Citibank for being negligent in the handling of my bank account, and pointed the finger at Citibank for perjuring to NYPD. The moronic Frankel led me to believe he was holding course with such defense, but he did not and in fact the moronic duo took affirmative steps to commit certain fraud as far as I understand, falsifying medical records and crossing the line of the professional codes of conduct of their respective professions. Instead of the record reflecting any contemplation of possible perjury or negligence by Citibank, in the end, at the State level the Criminal Court never contemplated the severe error on the part of Citibank in the transaction under analysis, and the complete lack of criminal action on my part. At the Federal level, following the moronic duo's professional practice related to my person the Social Security Administration record reflected that I, Dan Rosenblum, suffered from a mental disability as of January 1997 which mental illness began when i was a teenager or adolescent. My undertanding is that my parents paid Steve Frankel and Frank Miller in the neighborhood of $30,000.00 to work on the matter. During such time period they were paid for their work, I adamently insisted as best I could that any defense to New York State must comport with my analysis of the transaction as per above; I insisted that no hiring for representation in court occur without my express consent. I was lied to, and I was coaxed to undergo an evaluation at the Payne Whitney Clinic in Manhattan where Miller was a Director in the weeks after being charged with Grand Larceny but awaiting for the case to be called in front of a Judge in Manhattan. However, while I willfully was admitted to the hospital for such evaluation, unbeknownst to me attorney Frankel and psychiatrist Miller had falsified my patient history; that is they concocted a story of a mental illness through adolesence and teenage years- through my Junior and Senior High and College with false details which culminated in my being charged with Larceny. Thus I went straight from walking into to the front desk to being escorted to a psych ward, without permission to leave. Here are the three pages I am working on during July 2013 to tell the tale of that moronic duo Frankel/Miller: displays some of the materials which were filed by me to allege wrongdoing by attorney Frankel when I first was able to make sense of the calamity and understand the process by which to file such complaint. There are more materials, the page is a work in progress documents some aspects of the fraud perpetrated by that moronic duo; the page is a work in progress, there are more materials and more narrative to tell the tale in full. displays some of the documentation I have of the events which occurred contemporaneous to the false medical records Frankel and Miller concocted and the immediate effect it had on me during early 1997 as the Grand Larceny charges were being heard in Manhattan Criminal Court. There is much more documentation, this page is a work in progress.
And, also a page dedicated to materials in the year or two following my publication of the TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney List: TTS 2001 Titles I & II. I continued without domicile through 2005, and then attended law school from 2006 - 2009 and business school 2009-2011.
At the time of publication, this page is incomplete, a work in progress some of the work in progress I have not deleted but I will edit as I have opportunity... is occ and fed 1997 and 1998. therefore add Labor Day 1999 as also preceding july 2000
And april 5 99 here
Wiborg 2 = 2
Please note, this web page is a work in progress. Presently I work more than 40 hours a week driving a truck delivering glass for shower enclosures throughout the tri-state area. I work on my website and TTS business project when time allows. Hence, some of the above is not fully edited but I have outlined subject matter which I will further develop as time permits in an efficient order of operations. While there are images of legal filings on this web page, the web page is not yet a legal filing. Current resources do not permit proper editing of this page, the author anticipates editing this and related pages perhaps over years to come as time and resources permit. Therefore, this page may, in its current format, contain errors or ommissions. It is the author's intention to, over time, correct any errors or ommisions. The subject matter addressed will, in time, be elaborated on, clarified, and further documented. The chronology of events will be further documented, and the relationship of the events here referred to to other related events will be clarified. In addition, please note that there is much more to this story, which has years of related events. The author has supporting documentation for all claims made, and will certainly be working on this material. However, if the author waited until everything was 100% edited and corroborated it would be some time before any related material was published.