21st Century Digital

The '21st Century Digital' Trademark Story Told Through Dan Rosenblum's Education in College, Law School, and Business School      1989-2011

There are  multiple  anecdotes and stories which serve to document and convey the history of, my commercial use of, and my agenda  for the 21st Century Digital® Trademark; these anecdotes and stories and history include, but are not limited to, for example, the story of 21st Century Digital™ by way of reference to 1996 calendered commercial plans to fund the 21st Century Digital™ venture during President's Week 1998 or my {Daniel Mark Rosenblum} 2008 patent application for a "21st Century Digital™ Network" in Patent Application Publication Number US 2009/0248536 Al 2008 . These anecdotes and stories and history include, but are not limited to, for example, necessary filings to the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1996 through the present day, or filings to the US Patent and Trademark Office, or filings in front of civil and criminal courts in East Hampton, New York, in New York NewYork, and Southampton, New York as well as numerous other Federal and State agencies such as the Social Security Administration, and the Internal Revenue Service, and so on.

The '21st Century Digital™' Trademark Story : Focus on 1998 Brooklyn Law Essay

One such history is the story of my college education and advanced degree education.

To be certain, this webpage and the story of my education is in some respects an anecdotal supplement to my commercial enterprise 21st Century Digital® and related legal filings during the same decades described below- the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and continuing.

This webpage is dedicated to telling the story of my Trademark 21st Century Digital® through my law school and business school application essays, which in turn describe how my undergraduate education contributed to my professional degrees and 21st Century Digital. Presently, during 1st quarter 2014 I am publishing this page with most pertinent documentation and facts, but will continue to edit and elaborate moving forward, given allocation of resources and a desire to publish this, and other web pages, etc.


All told, between undergraduate and graduate schooling, my formal education includes enrollment and attendance at ten (10) academic institutions following my graduation from Islip High School in June 1987, here listed chronologically:

  1. Connecticut College (August 1988-October 1988)
  2. SUNY Stony Brook (Matriculated Fall 1989, Graduated July 1994 GPA 3.65)
  3. Iowa State University (Fall Semester 1990 GPA 4.0)
  4. Suffolk Community College (Winter Inter-session 1990, Calculus)
  5. Long Island University Brooklyn Campus (Fall Semester 1991 GPA 4.0)
  6. Western Washington University (Spring Quarter 1992 GPA 4.0)
  7. Universidad de Chile (March 1993-June 1993)
  8. Brooklyn Law School (August 17 1998- September 9 1998)
  9. New York Law School (2006-2009),
  10. NYU Stern School of Business (2009-2011)

My bachelor's degree is from SUNY Stony Brook, 1994; my law degree is from New York Law School (2009), and my MBA is from NYU Stern (2011). I earned no college credit from Connecticut Colllege (1988), which was the first college I attended following High School; I decided to leave Connecticut College after the first few weeks. Likewise, I earned no credits at Brooklyn Law (1998)- I matriculated at Brooklyn Law August 1998 but could not pay tuition and left Labory Day 1998 as referred to below and detailed on a separate web page.

My Brooklyn Law School 1998 Application Essay - titled "UPHOLDING THE INTEGRlTY OF TRADEMARKS & COPYRIGHTS"

During 1998 I applied to approximately 19 law schools in the United States with the essay below entitled "UPHOLDING THE.INTEGRlTY OF TRADEMARKS & COPYRIGHTS". I was admitted to, and matriculated at Brooklyn Law School in 1998.

My 1998 Law School Admission Essay, displayed below, describes some of my experiences, observations, and goals during the early 1990s influencing my decision to establish the Sole Proprietorship 21st Century Digital® on December 9 1996 at the New York County Clerk's Office, 60 Centre Street, NY NY. My 1998 essay submitted with each law school application concludes with the paragraph:

"....and several years ago I decided to found TTS Industries, a sole proprietorship, devoted to gaining the design patent rights to the
network whose design structure would allow for the efficient digital transfer of trademarked and copyrighted materials. I coined the network I sought a "Twenty First Century Digital Network." Hence the name "TTS Industries" or
        Twenty First Century Digital
        Telecommunications Network
        Serving Private Enterprise .......... Industries ".

Here is an image of my entire 1998 law school admission application essay, sent through the Law School Admissions Council to about 19 US law schools (note that I attended matriculated at Brooklyn Law School, but only attended for a few days, as per below. My application essay for New York Law School, where I matriculated in 2006 can be viewed below)  :


My above 1998 essay refers to my undergraduate education and my travels in Central and South America while an undergraduate student. Whereas my 1998 law school essay does not reference the three years I studied in colleges throughout the United States prior to my travels in Central and South America, my application to NYU Stern School of Business, below, does.

My approach to my undergraduate education had the single goal of enabling myself to be a part of a team which could provide solutions to real world problems.

I had the goal of deliberately nurturing my business and legal perspective through my education and life experiences with a goal to isolate a business project which in turn would allow me to contribute to society towards good end.

My earliest choice traceable to my current business agenda was my decision not to pursue a traditional college education but instead to fashion a wide, varied and comprehensive educational experience. I was aware that I had certain intelligence and observational skills. Instead of going to a four year traditional college and isolating my career, I decided I’d cull from my experiences and isolate my business project. Immediately after graduating High School in 1987 I moved out of the middle-class South Shore, Suffolk County Long Island home where I was raised and worked as a laborer and in sales. Two years later I went to college- on Long Island, in Brooklyn, in Iowa, Washington State, and in Chile. While in college, I backpacked throughout the United States, Central America, and South America. As described in part in the above essay, my entrepreneurial agenda is borne of life experiences during my undergraduate education.

My undergraduate education ranks as one of the most significant experiences in my life. I've always believed that it is my duty to utilize the privilege of good
education towards good ends. With a guiding philosophy that combining experiential education with teamwork will exponentially increase the reward of a
good education, I have strived to enable myself to be a part of a team which can provide solutions to real world problems. My goal in this approach has always been to isolate a business project which would allow me to utilize the education I've been privileged to receive to contribute back to society.

With that in mind, during my undergraduate education, while I was based at SUNY Stony Brook near my suburban hometown- I worked on my college degree at semester long group-based academic exchange programs in varied locales throughout the United States; and, I traveled about two thirds of the length of North and South America.

While SUNY Stony Brook was a domestic suburban University located in the Suffolk County where I was born and raised, my educational exchanges deliberately took place in domestic urban (Brooklyn NY), domestic agricultural (Ames Iowa), domestic environmental (Bellingham WA), and foreign metropolitan (Santiago Chile) locales as follows: At both Iowa State (Fall 1990) and Long Island University (Fall 1991) I was awarded scholarship monies to study in National Collegiate Honors Council sponsored semester long Honors Seminars. The Long Island University Brooklyn Campus Honors Semester was entitled “The United Nations Semester: From Urban to Global Community”. The Iowa State University Honors Semester in Ames was entitled “Who Goes Hungry? Formulating a World Food Policy for the Year 2000”.I then studied for a semester through the State University of New York’s domestic exchange program at Western Washington University’s Huxley School of Environmental Education in Bellingham, Washington (Spring 1992). The S.U.N.Y. domestic exchange program permitted me to pay in-state tuition at Western Washington.

While still an undergraduate, after my semester at Western Washington University, in May 1992, I traveled via land with a backpack from Mexico City through all of Central and South America en route to Santiago Chile. It took nine months via land to arrive in Chile. En route, I made application to study abroad in Chile through S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh’s Southern Cone Program. Along the way, I learned the Spanish language and paid close attention to the economic, political, and cultural attributes of the villages and cities I visited. I worked on a farm in Mexico, hiked/hitchhiked through Nicaragua and Panama, lived in San Salvador for a month in the home of the family of my childhood nanny, volunteered for a month in a Guatemalan orphanage and worked for six weeks with artisans in Colombia and Ecuador. Upon arrival in Santiago, Chile (where my Uncle was working for the United Nations), I studied Chilean literature and sociology at Universidad de Chile for an academic semester just four years into the Chilean transition from dictatorship to democracy (Spring/Summer 1993). At each of Western Washington, Long Island University Brooklyn, and Iowa State I achieved a 4.0 grade point average. Almost all the exchange courses I took transferred back to SUNY Stony Brook to fulfill requirements for my Bachelor’s degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. I returned to Stony Brook fall 1993 to determine which final few credits I needed to graduate in mid 1994. Two years later I established TTS Industries and 21st Century Digital with the agenda described in my essay.

During Fall 1990 I achieved a 4.0 with straight A's during my semester at Iowas State University:



During Fall 1991 I achieved a 4.0 with straight A's during my semester at Long Island University Brooklyn Campus:





During Spring 1992 I achieved a 4.0 with straight A's during my semester at Western Washington University, and a B- in the spanish language course I took in Mexico before travelling south to Chile as described below.




Following the Summer Quarter in Bellingham, in June of '92 I started my trek from Mexico City to Chile described above. First, through the foreign study office of Western Washington University I took a six week course in Spanish language in Morelia, Mexico. At the same time, I made application to to study abroad in South America through the State University of New York. I was admitted to attend Universidad de Chile in Santiago Chile for the first semester of the 1993 Academic year in Chile through the SUNY Plattsburgh Southern Cone Program. The 1993 academic year would begin following the Chilean summer break- in March 1993. That allowed me to travel the nine months from August 1992 through March 1993 by land through Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile. I then attended a full semester of college in Santiago Chile March 1993 through June 1993. Following my return to Long Island, New York during summer 1993 I picked up my studies at SUNY Stony Brook during Fall 1993 to fulfill my Bachelor of Arts Degree, graduating SUNY Stony Brook during July 1994 Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. 29 months later in December 1996 I established 21st Century Digital® as my DBA.


Below is a copy of my undergraduate transcript from SUNY Stony Brook, where I earned my Bachelor's Degree. I transferred all my credits from Western Washington, Iowa State, LIU Brooklyn, Universidad de Chile, and Suffolk Community to Stony Brook towards my degree:




As stated above, I attended Brooklyn Law School for a short period in 1998, and then returned to actually attend a full law school program at New York Law School from 2006 to 2009. My law degree (Juris Doctor) was conferred June 2009. I did not sit for any bar exam following graduation from New York Law School. I matriculated at NYU Stern School of Business August 2009 and earned my Masters Degree in Business Administration July 2011. I have not yet taken any Bar Exam, and therefore while I have a law degree I am not yet licensed to practice law, although I intend to take a Bar Exam in due course.

Below are my application for admissions essays for both New York Law School (written 2005-6) and NYU Stern (written 2009); not surprisingly, I discuss 21st Century Digital® in both essays describing the history of 21st Century Digital® and my agenda for 21st Century Digital® in business and law.


Note that my 2006 law school application essay considers the place of two axiomatic banking statutes as they relate to the commercial processing of data utilizing internet technologies; this analysis evolved into what today is articulated as the 21st Century Digital™ Analysis and Critique as it pertains to Banking, Regulation, Permissible Activities,Tying, and the Commercial Processing of Trademarked and Copyrighted digital data using internet technologies. The 21st Century Digital™ flagship product, 21st Century Digital™ Network offers certain solutions to related commercial economic problems in the digital marketplace. My 2006 essay is a starting point for my analysis of such subject matter while in law school and business school, there are some important adaptations to my 2006 essay, please see the bottom of this webpage for links to related subject matter.

Application to NYU Stern School of Business writ January 2009:


As per above, this page is dedicated to telling the '21st Century Digital' Trademark Story throughsthe story of Dan Rosenblum's education in college, law school, and business school, in particular through my law school and business school application essays, which in turn describe how my undergraduate education contributed to my professional degrees and 21st Century Digital. Presently, during 1st quarter 2014 I am publishing this page with most pertinent documentation and facts, but will continue to edit and elaborate moving forward, given allocation of resources and a desire to publish this, and other web pages, etc. Towards that end, here is my application to NYU Stern School of Business in 2009, including my essays which discuss the Mark and enterprise:


Additional information is available at the following webpages. In particular, there is a more detailed discussion about my short attendance at Brooklyn Law School on the Labor Day 1998, and the TTS Docket 1996-1997 webpages listed below:


regarding short stay at Brooklyn Law in 1998, and the Mark:




Note that above there is reference to the 21st Century Digital™ flagship product, a 21st Century Digital™ Network, as offering certain solutions related to commercial problems in the digital marketplace mentioned in my 2006 law school essay. There are several webpages on the 21st Century Digital website which address this, including the 21st Century Digital Network Patent Application, and writing on two fundamental banking regulatory axioms- tying in banking, and, permissible activities in banking. For more info, please see :

 Regarding Section 106 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1970, Bank Anti-Tying Legislation: http://www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/2007BHC106.php
Application under 4(c)(8) and 4(j) of the BHC Act to engage in non-banking activity of "21st Century Digital Network Administrator". viewable at : http://www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/BHC2007PermissableActivities.php
Re: Section 4(c)(8) and 4(j) of the BHC Act, under the "Procedures for other nonbanking proposals" as described in section 225.24 of Regulation Y. viewable at :http://www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/20084c8.php
re: USPTO Patent 12/079,235 application for "21st Century Digital Network”; DMR Response dated 1/31/2011 to Non Final Rejection pages 1 - 14 of 142 only" Viewable at: http://www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/TTS16YearsAgenciesUSPTOpatentfilenonfinal.php
"21st Century Digital Analysis/Critique Generally": RE: PERMISSIBLE ACTITIES & TYING IN BANKING INDUSTRY; DURBIN AMENDMENT TO DODD FRANK ACT, 21ST CENTURY DIGITAL viewable at : http://www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/DurbinSwipeFeeFederalReserveDecision.php

Presently, please contact Dan and or email inquiries may be directed to sales@21stcenturydigital.us. For inquiries to sales@21stcenturydigital.us, please allow 4 to 6 weeks processing. Inquiries to Sales may also be made regarding items referred to above in the 2009 Stern Application essay :

"My short term objective for TTS is to follow up on the trademark, patent, and bank holding company permissible activities applications. Concomitantly, I have set up the TTS website www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com to sell HDTVs, music devices and accessories, operating systems and software, laptops, computers and servers, projectors, other hardware, and accessories. While looking to capitalize both short and long term objectives, during the next two
years I will continue to build the brand name ‘21st Century Digital’ by marketing both short term retail and long term goods and services. I will also work during the next two years utilizing my JD in the financial services industry while attending to projects related to the 21st Century Digital Group and studying for an Executive Master’s in Business Administration."

Please note that while the 21st Century Digital® Website was setup to highlight 21st Century Digital® direct sales of HDTVs, music devices and accessories, operating systems and software, laptops, computers and servers, projectors, other hardware, and accessories for several years 2006-2011, presently and continuing 21st Century Digital will sell you the same but 21st Century Digital is allocating more resources to highlighting the flagship 21st Century Digital Network Product, and related products described on our homepage www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com. Presently, in January 2014, you will not access the webpages which images are here displayed below. Rather, to purchase HDTVs, music devices and accessories, operating systems and software, laptops, computers and servers, projectors, other hardware, and accessories from 21st Century Digital, please contact Dan directly or inquire at sales@21stcenturydigital.us and allow up to 4 to 6 weeks for processing. Please stay tuned for more 'highlighting' the above goods in due course.The following (and similar) 21st Century Digital™ webpages are not presently online but such products are available through 21st Century Digital:





® 21st Century Digital  ™                                     © 21st Century Digital 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

21st Century Digital ™ is both a common law and statutory trademark. Common law rights in the Mark inhere with the establishment of Sole Proprietorship Twenty First Century Digital by Proprietor Daniel M Rosenblum December 9th 1996 New York New York and continued use to date. Please see above and below for more information on common law trademark use and rights.
21st Century Digital® has four (4) USPTO Trademark Registrations:
 USPTO ®™  Registration Number 4,007,885  Registered Aug. 9, 2011 USPTO International Class 35: Advertising and Business
USPTO ®™  Registration Number 4,051,315   Registered Nov. 8, 2011  USPTO International Class 36: Financial Services 
USPTO ®™  Registration Number 4,051,315 Registered Nov. 8, 2011 USPTO International Class 38: Telecommunications
 USPTO ®™  Registration Number 3,626,967 Registered May 26, 2009 USPTO International Class 42: Computer/Internet R & D 

A patent application for a "21st Century Digital™ Network" was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on March 26, 2008 and published on October 1, 2009 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office as Publication Number US 2009/0248536 Al; USPTO Publication US 2009/0248536 Al is five (5) pages in entirety including the drawing of the invention and can be viewed on the USPTO website Patent Application Retrieval (PAIR) system. No patent for a "21st Century Digital Network" product granted to date, nor is one pending. The status of the patent application at the United States Patent and Trademark Office is "abandoned" as of March 23rd, 2012, for applicant failure to respond to a USPTO Office Action Notice of Final Rejection September 9 2011. Applicant's most recent filing on USPTO patent application for a "21st Century Digital™ Network", USPTO Publication Number US 2009/0248536 Al, one hundred and fifty two pages regarding the 21st Century Digital Network product was filed July 2011 and is also viewable on the USPTO website Patent Application Retrieval (PAIR) system.

21st Century Digital